Editorial: Do not take for granted that first June 28 when you gleefully celebrate Pride
Mon. June 28, 2021 11:43 AM by Gerald Farinas
drag march for change takes over streets of lakeview
photo credit // photo credit // steven koch
Some have less freedom than others because of intersectionality
June 28 should be hoisted upon every mast of our community.
On this day in 1969, a group of queer villagers in New York City had enough of the intimidation and systemic bullying by the police, by their leaders, by their own neighbors, on people just trying to live and exist.
They could not just sit, watch, and take the abuse over and over again.
Like the leviathans of the deep taunted by New Bedford whalers, those queers rounded back and took aim, and shot themselves into a volley, head on.
They made the first splinters into the ship of exploitation and persecution.
The violence of Stonewall should never be washed over by glitter and drink, clapping fans and sweat on leather, displays of skin and want of boisterous fest to the oontz oontz of a nightclub beat.
But it is so easy to do when we have grown comfortable in the liberties already won.
But the brutality of that first June 28 still has lingering shadows today.
Not all queer folks enjoy the freedom some seem to have.
Some have less freedom than others because of intersectionality.
Some still face the bruising of preachers and holy men raining down words of hate from their pulpits.
Some still face the bashing of various notions of supremacy.
Some are emotionally thrashed that their spirits are dulled to nothing but want to cease existence—children told that they cannot be who they truly are deep within themselves.
Some repeatedly must live with the threat of continued intimidation because of the persistent assertion that brown and Black lives don't matter.
Some are murdered for being trans.
Do not take for granted that first June 28 when you gleefully celebrate Pride.
Pride truly was a riot—when the oppressors wouldn't relent.
The oppressors still won't relent.
On this day in 1969, a group of queer villagers in New York City had enough of the intimidation and systemic bullying by the police, by their leaders, by their own neighbors, on people just trying to live and exist.
They could not just sit, watch, and take the abuse over and over again.
Like the leviathans of the deep taunted by New Bedford whalers, those queers rounded back and took aim, and shot themselves into a volley, head on.
They made the first splinters into the ship of exploitation and persecution.
The violence of Stonewall should never be washed over by glitter and drink, clapping fans and sweat on leather, displays of skin and want of boisterous fest to the oontz oontz of a nightclub beat.
But it is so easy to do when we have grown comfortable in the liberties already won.
But the brutality of that first June 28 still has lingering shadows today.
Not all queer folks enjoy the freedom some seem to have.
Some have less freedom than others because of intersectionality.
Some still face the bruising of preachers and holy men raining down words of hate from their pulpits.
Some still face the bashing of various notions of supremacy.
Some are emotionally thrashed that their spirits are dulled to nothing but want to cease existence—children told that they cannot be who they truly are deep within themselves.
Some repeatedly must live with the threat of continued intimidation because of the persistent assertion that brown and Black lives don't matter.
Some are murdered for being trans.
Do not take for granted that first June 28 when you gleefully celebrate Pride.
Pride truly was a riot—when the oppressors wouldn't relent.
The oppressors still won't relent.