More than two dozen leading authors of lesbian fiction are participating in the #lesficforthepandemic party on Facebook this Sunday, including Chicago-based author Elizabeth Andre.
"This is a stressful time," said Andre, the award-winning author of lesbian romance and paranormal adventure books. "Many people are at home. They're scared. We want to help lighten the mood and have some fun."
During the party, which is from 8am-8pm Central Time, lesfic authors will answer questions and give away free ebooks and other prizes. In order to participate, go to Facebook and join the "Lesfic For the Pandemic" party. Link: the party on Friday, MyLesfic, a weekly email newsletter promoting lesfic books that are on sale, will send out a special #lesficforthepandemic edition with more than 75 lesfic books that are either free or deeply discounted. To sign up, go to:
The #lesficforthepandemic Facebook party is the brainchild of Eliza Andrews, author of the lesbian fantasty series The Chronicles of Dorsa. "This is just a way for us to give something back to our community right now," said Andrews.
"There's a lot of raw nerves and a lot of anxiety out there. I'm sure that what's going on with COVID-19 is going to be affecting a lot of our readers and a lot of us. This is just something to brighten people's spirits, especially if they feel trapped in the house. This is a way for them to socialize with authors and other readers without actually having to leave the house."
Article written by Victoria Stagg Elliott