Nordstrom holiday ad features male gay kiss

Sat. December 5, 2015

A holiday ad from luxury retailer Nordstrom features a gay male couple.

With Tom Rosenthal's single Go Solo playing in the background, an impeccably dressed man arrives home carrying his luggage and a Nordstrom bag. He picks up a dog happy for his arrival, then he shares a kiss and hug with another man.

"Where the gifts are. Nordstrom," a caption reads for the commercial, titled The Homecoming.

American Thinker criticized Hulu for running the ad during programs that don't include a "large proportion of Haight-Ashbury and Greenwich Village types." The online conservative magazine chided Hulu for running the ads during reruns of The Rifleman and Dennis the Menace.

"[These shows] are generally watched by those who long for more innocent programming" and children, the site said.

A 15-second version of the ad posted on YouTube has been viewed more than 680,000 times with twice as many people giving it a thumbs up as those rating it negatively.

Nordstrom follows Kohl's and Famous Footwear in using gay couples in their ads this holiday seaso

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