Poll: Greater support for gays than Evangelical Christians

Mon. March 31, 2014

A greater percentage of people have a higher opinion of gay people than they do of Evangelical Christians, a new poll from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Americans for Marriage Equality found.

According to the poll, conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and TargetPoint Consulting, 53 percent of Americans view gay people favorably, while only 42 percent say the same about Evangelical Christians. Only 18 percent of respondents said they view gay people unfavorably, while 28 percent said the same about evangelicals.

Pollsters also found majority support (55%) for marriage equality, with 38 percent saying they were strongly in favor, while 40 percent remain opposed.

When asked to consider nationwide marriage equality, majorities said that its legalization would lead to less prejudice against gay people (78%), make it easier to grow upgay (76%), kids with gay parents having more legal and social protections (80%) and kids with gay parents less likely to be bullied (60%).

Seventy-five percent of young people under 30 said they support allowing gay couples to marry.

(Read the full survey results.)

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