March on Springfield for Marriage Equality streamed live

Tue. October 22, 2013

Marriage equality rally kicks off with Rock the March at Noon

Chicago, IL - Organizers of the March on Springfield for Marriage Equality will provide a live stream of the concert and rally in Springfield, Illinois, on Tuesday, Oct. 22. 

The March is part of a broad grassroots strategy to secure final passage of Senate Bill 10, the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act.

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn (D) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Chicago) will kick off the 90 minute rally at 1 p.m. Rock The March, a free one-hour concert, will precede the rally.

The live stream will be available in high definition and is provided by the same vendor that streams live coverage from the Illinois House and Senate chambers.

Programming will go live at 11:45 a.m. on Tuesday, October 22, 2013.

Click here to see the live stream 

Programming Schedule (all times are estimates from organizers) 

11:55 a.m. National Anthem

12:00 to 1 p.m. Rock the March featuring: Artemis Singers and Amasong, Windy City Performing Arts, Chicago Gay Men's chorus, Steve Grand, Sami Grisafe, SONiA of disappear fear, De'Borah, Marcus Terell & the Serenades, Stephen Leonard, KOKUMO!, and Sandra Antongiorgi

1 p.m. Welcome by Governor Patrick Quinn and Senator Dick Durbin

1 to 2:30 p.m. Rally with speakers including: Pastor Jamie B. Frazier, Scott Cross, Marquell Smith, Brother Michael Oboza, Joanna Cooley, Vernita Gray, Andy Thayer, Naomi Anurag Lahiri, Cinda Klickna, Bishop Carlton Pearson, Robert Castillo, Art Johnson, Rev. Mark Kiyimba, Bonnie Grabenhofer, Liz Thompson, Michael Carrigan, LZ Granderson, and Toni Weaver

2:30 p.m. March begins, led by drummers and marching band

2:30 to 3:30 p.m. March around the Capitol

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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