

Looking for me?

I graduated in May of 2006 with a degree in Biology and am now living in a suburb of Chicago and I am working as a Paramedic. I love the outdoors and anything that involves it. I love soccer, swimming, the beach, Chicago, shopping, and hanging out with my friends. I am totally out with everyone esp. friends. My family is very important to me and so is having fun with whatever I am doing. I am very adventurous and outgoing. I am someone who all my friends go to for advice and to vent...I am a good listener, caring, and honest.

I am a full time paramedic for a private company trying to get on a fire department. I am into working out, playing with my dog, and having fun with my friends whether that be at home or going out for fun. I am looking for a girl who knows what she wants in life and knows how to treat a girl.

Likes: Someone who is funny, is optimistic, likes the outdoors, is outgoing, likes kids and dogs

Turn-offs: someone who is all about herself, is a pesimistic, liers and cheaters



I am looking for someone who is not going to play games. I want to have a serious relationship with someone. That person needs to be out about who she is, be athletic enough to go out and play some sports, be someone I can hold an intellectual conversation with and maybe learn something new from, have a great personality, who can go out to the bars once a while and can spend time together or with each others friends, and knows how to have fun doing whatever comes up.

Favorite movies

Imaagine Me and You, Wall-E, Titanic, Transformers 1 and 2

Favorite music

Everything but old country!

Favorite food

meats!! I love steak, chicken, and pork!

Connections (3)