
Shy boy next door

Well to be honest I'm not OUT at the moment, I guess I am still learning about myself.
But no matter what I am a friendly and caring guy, I love to laugh and to make people smile.
I am a bit shy and an introvert at first but once you get to know me and let me get to know you, I promise you have found a friend for life!

Caring, friendly, sensitive, but introvert

Likes: Thin guys, Smart looking maybe glasses.. goutees, soul patch, mostly shorter guys gus who fills a T shirt well- age not an issue

Turn-offs: Fems..drama queens who loves the sound of his own voice, sports fanatics



I love movies, mostly old movies, I like reading, hanging out at quiet places. City parks, bookstores and coffee shops.
I like a leisure bike ride and people watching... I like sci fi and happy endings..
Comicbooks, art museums, architecture and the beach!

Favorite movies

My most recent favorite has to be "Slumdog Millionaire"!
I love "Shaun of the dead" and "Hot fuzz' because I love Simon Pegg!
I love James Mcavoy in "Penelope" and I'm a big fan of Wes Anderson and I think Andrien Brody is HOT!

Favorite music

Jazz, retro, dance music, some pop and oldies... sorry no country or broadway stuff...

Favorite food

I'm open to all kinds of food, I don't care for fine dining I like comfort food. Give me a BLT and tomato soup and I will love you with all my heart!

Favorite TV shows

wow I love Doctor who, star trek, seinfeld, friends, ha ha golden girls and smallville

Connections (10)