hey peeps ^_^
well... I am a friend of a friend whos a friend of mine haha!...
well I made this site to please her...
so she would have someone to talk to haha
i am dating Jay my baby for about 4 months now ^_^ and I have been loving everysecond of it...
well I am a family oriented person, my family comes first in any relationship, I am a twin, and no hes not bi or gay, and yes he has a lover, as do I. Um, I am not a virgin... well my back side is...ummm...if you want to know more just ask
Likes: Handcuffs, tie down, kissing my ears, kissing my nipples, the rest you'll have to see now wont you ~_^
Turn-offs: Flambouently gay guys, cocky people, jerks, people who dont have respect for anothers family
drawing, taking photos, talkin on the phone, hangin with friends... and right now persuing my edumacatioin ^_^
Favorite movies
OMG any thing with vampires in it, all the RE movies, The convanent, Boondock saints, any thing with jason stahaum...the guy from the transporter, ummm the pasifier...sky high, Eurotrip, 40 yr old virgin, yours mine and ours, cheeper by the dozen, the devils rejects, the strangers, blood and chocolate, nightwatch, daywatch...i think thats it...if not they will be added...
Favorite music
Three days grace, evanescence, averial lavinge, ace of base, AFI, alien ant farm, the all american rejects, ayumi Hamasaki, Akino arai, alanis morsette, ATC, beethoven, blink 182, boys like girls,breaking benjamen, brooklyn bounce, cascada, chevelle, CKY, cold, crazy town, creed, crossfade, Crystal method, Da Rude, dafft punk, david gueta, deepdish, demon hunter, disturbed, dj antoine, dj caffine, dj fritzy, dj kaycee, dj mystik, dj ztrip, drowning pool, edema, eiffel 65, eric prydz, eurythmics, eve 6, felix da housecat, flyleaf,fortminor, grabage, gina g, gorillaz, greenday, hardrox, hellogoodbye, hinder, i am x-ray, il ninjo, ilona, the immortals, jock jams, kelly clarkson, kyra, lacuna coil, linkin park, lords of acid, lustra, madonna, marylin manson, medic droid, miley cirus, nickel back, nininch nails, nintendo remixes, nonpoint, offspring, one minute silence, ozone, paparoache, pitchshifter, POD, PPK, Protozoa, puddle of mudd, rammstein, red hot chilipeppers, red jumpsiit apperatius, rob zombie, scorpions, seether, senses fail, simple plan, skillet, slipknot, SOTY, spice girls, submersed, sugarcult, taking back sunday, taproot TATU, thredays grace, third eye blind, tom snare, traci lords, trapt, tso, vanga boys, white strips, white zombie, zombienation.....
man thats it of my artists that i have on my ipod
Favorite food
many ^_^
Favorite TV shows
drawn together, south park, cartoon network, comedy centeral, MTV, VH1, Fuse, Nickoloden (yes i sometimes watch nickoloden when absalutely nothings on..) i dont know what else...