The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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"You've got to tell him," Eddy said, pouring another glass of pinot grigio.   "I know, I know," Charlie said, grabbing the bottle from her and pouring himself another glass.   "I can't believe he's just waiting there in Africa for you."   "Well he's not just waiting.

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"You've got to tell him," Eddy said, pouring another glass of pinot grigio.


"I know, I know," Charlie said, grabbing the bottle from her and pouring himself another glass.


"I can't believe he's just waiting there in Africa for you."


"Well he's not just waiting. He's saving lives and stuff."


"And then fucking Tom showed up?"


"Yeah. And he and Hunter hooked up."


"Right in front of you?"

"No doofus, before. Remember when... ?"


"Oh," Eddy said, finishing her glass and pouring another. "Classic fucking Chuck."


"What do you mean by that?" Charlie asked, joining suit in pouring another glass.


"Oh you moan and groan about not dating anyone, then bam! You've got all these guys out of fucking nowhere and when the pressure gets to be too much, you get all avoidy."


"I don't even!"


"Oh yeah? Then why are you hanging here with me and not figuring shit out with Hunter? Or calling Tom's bluff? Or hey, how about telling your boyfriend about your transgression?"


"You're one to talk."


"That's right, little bro, I am. Cuz everyone knows exactly where they stand with me. And I don't lead them on. Or do the long distance thing."


"So what should I do?"


"Oh no. You've got to figure this one out on your own."


"You're some big fucking help," Charlie said with a teasing glower. He finished his wine and kissed her on the cheek as he headed for the door.


"Chuck," she called after him. "Look... I know you have this notion to get out of Boystown before you're thirty. And I know that's... well... soon. And it might seem like this whole Ben thing might be the answer to that... "



"I thought you weren't gonna tell me what to do."


"I'm not, I just... I hope you stay."



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