"Can I get you a cup of coffee?" Josh asked, sipping his mug while he stood in his boxers in the doorway.
"What are you doing here?" Charlie asked.
"Um, I live here," Josh responded.
"I didn't know the Davids were selling their condo."
"Um, they didn't. I live here with them."
"They converted their office into a second bedroom?"
"Um... no."
"Wow. Ok. So... how's the working out for ya?"
Josh smirked. "Would you like to come inside?"
"I'm good thanks. Just... just tell David that I stopped by."
"Which one?"
Charlie paused. He never had to clarify before. "Um, Cuban David?"
"Will do."
Charlie shuffled off awkwardly.
"Charlie?" Josh called. Charlie turned around. "You look good."
"Thanks," said Charlie.