Retiree Gunner (John Mahoney), now living year-round with his wife Peg in their summer home on Chesapeake Bay, seems to have a pretty good quality of life in his golden years. He fishes, boats, and possesses a keen sense of humor, affably striking up conversations with strangers. The trouble is, sometimes those strangers are people he's known all their lives. In Gunner's early stages of Alzheimer's disease, he doesn't always recognize them. On his good days, he's as sharp and alert as anyone. On his not-so-good days, he may try to watch "Cops" on the microwave he mistakes for the TV. His devoted wife Peg (Rondi Reed) has a found a retirement community/assisted living home where they can live together even as the disease progresses, but the thought of living in a facility with hospice care for the dying terrifies Gunner and he has other plans. Gunner's called their middle-aged son Jack (Thomas J. Cox) to the house for a visit during which Gunner reveals his desire to end his life before the Alzheimer's robs him of any more of his faculties.