As our session continued, Dan offered up more clues to his dilemma, which in their totality I ultimately believed qualified him for entry into the not so elite club of gay men I call Kenmen . In short, "Kenmen" are guys who are typically in their late 20's to early 40's and who secretly hate their appearance while desperately trying look flawless. Everything they wear is name brand and generally, brand new. They will spend hundreds of dollars a month on various cosmetic products, dye their hair to hide the slightest hint of grey and when in social settings, believe they are the least attractive person in the room. Through a dangerous game of comparisons, Kenmen never feel "hot enough" and constantly need positive attention from others to combat preconceived notions of "ugliness". These men are depressed, suffer from low self-esteem and often suck all of the oxygen out of the room due to their enormous need for compliments. Between the cosmetic procedures, the beauty products and gym memberships - Kenmen usually see a hefty monthly self-care tab.
Let me state here that wanting to look attractive is normal. In fact, attention to one's personal appearance is important in a society that places high value on "looks". For Kenmen however, the vanity cavern dividing healthy and unhealthy is gigantic.