Thank You So Much!

Tue. November 20, 2007 12:00 AM
by Bill Pritchard

What are you thankful for? This question seems to be asked a lot this time of the year. It's a good query! As Thanksgiving comes to our tables it might be good to personally look at your life and inquire what you have to be thankful for.

We can look at some of the simple things in our lives and say that we are grateful like our health, jobs or homes, but I think there are some things also worth our focus of thanks!

We can be thankful for our Mentors . It's funny how our mentors have a way of seeing our short comings and pointing them out to us. They challenge us to higher standards and goals in our lives. They hold us accountable to many things. Often times they go un-thanked. Perhaps this Thanksgiving season you can jot them a note of appreciation for all the things they are to you. Tell them how they have impacted your life.

We can be thankful for our Family . They often go unnoticed among the entire daily to and fro; and yet they provide great support, love and in some cases a roof over your head. Most everyone knows that my parents have been a tremendous source of support and love for me over the years. It's important to me that they know of my love and thankfulness for all they've done for me! When was the last time you gave a thank you to your parents? Have you ever?

I do want to be sensitive to the fact that many don't have the relationship with their parents that they would like. Perhaps you can look for the people who've acted as a surrogate parent in your life and praise them!

We can be thankful for the Bizarre ! I am mindful of the hard working people in our community that often go unnoticed. Take for example the many bar backs that bust their gut at your favorite bar; or the hard working bus drivers on your daily commute. The doormen that greet you as you walk in or the baristas at your favorite coffee shop. These behind the scenes folks make our lives so much nicer and deserve a big thank you! You can bet that it would make their day if you did that!

Finally I think we can be thankful for Healing and Restoration ! Think about it, there are many relationships represented in our lives that have been restored. The action of coming out often times has the ability to renew friendships and heal relationships. Just this year I have experienced healing with two of my very best friends, Rachel and Janelle. I am very thankful for that! I've also experienced the healing and renewing of friendship between my pal, Matthew, and me. I am extremely thankful for that! When we see so much negative in this world, it is refreshing to experience that kind of restitution!

I think we all have a great deal to be thankful for. Here is the CHALLENGE : Look at your life; inquire what you have to be thankful for and share that with others.

*This column was also published in Boi Magazine, a media partner of