Seventy Times Seven

Tue. September 19, 2006 12:00 AM
by Chad Sosna

Book: Seventy Times Seven
Author: Salvatore Sapienza
Review: 5 stars (out of 5)
70 x 7 good

While any gay Catholic will enjoy the familiar and rough terrain of this novel, even readers outside the faith will understand the harsh chasm between one's faith and homosexuality.

Brother Victor Fortunato, a 27-year-old gay man who teaches religion at a high school, tries to straddle a celibate but openly gay lifestyle with his vows. He identifies himself as fully Catholic and fully gay, but this isn't a reconciliation. When he volunteers in SF for the summer at an AIDS service center, he contemplates his upcoming final vows. He gets advice from others on the direction for his life, and the true driving force for that direction turns out to be Gabe, a newly-divorced man who is volunteering at the same center.

The authenticity that runs throughout this story is apparent, so it is no surprise to me that the author, Salvatore Sapienza, was a Marist brother. This book has the drama, humor and deep insight that make a novel wonderful. I highly recommend it.