Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man is an interactive comedy show based on the 1997 book of the same name. The story takes place at a book event that turns into a sex seminar. The moderator named Robyn is played by Emma Jo Boyden and she starts off a bit awkward at the beginning, even though this is built into the basic character trait. This could be easier fixed by having her react to possible latecomers and being more playful with the crowd from the jump. She needs to represent as many typical straight girls as she possibly can and only accomplishes that sporadically throughout the storyline. Bradley Allen Meyer plays the eye candy Stefan who was hired for his good looks not acting ability and the material makes him even stiffer than he already is. Meyer can still make the same wooden choices in the role but needs a little more humanity added to the obvious sexual objectivity that Stefan requires similar to Rocky Horror in The Rocky Horror Picture. Leave it to a gay to save the day as Adam Fane enters the room by kicking up his heels as Dan.