(August 29 – September 4, 2019)?
Gay life in Chicago this week, back in...
An article in Gay Life begins:
"The Chicago Tribune has agreed to accept classified advertising from Lend-A-Man Ltd., a Chicago employment agency, which will identify the agency as 'a licensed private employment agency specializing in the placement of gay men and women.'
"Agreement between the Tribune and Lend-A-Man was reached last week after what Lend-A-Man owners called 'protracted foot-dragging by the Tribune and a month of negotiation between Lend-A-Man's attorney's and tribune representatives."
Chicago's gay community lost one of its earliest and hardest workers with the death August 15 of Mary Houlihan. She had been instrumental in founding the Mass for the gay and Lesbian Community from which Dignity/Chicago was born. Mary Houlihan continued to be a faithful member of Dignity and was at Mass on Sunday, the 14th.