Sophie Turner is flying high after her success on Game of Thrones and plays the title character in this direct sequel to X-Men: Apocalypse. The Dark Phoenix saga depicted in the original comic books was one of my favorite storylines. It was a long one though shown through multiple issues in an arc and difficult to bring to the screen. The Last Stand tried to rush the Phoenix saga in the past, so this one at least takes its time a bit.
The ensemble cast is strong as ever, although some of the stars are not given enough to do. Evan Peters deserved more screen time, as he's hilarious, and there's not much humor overall, which was a shame. Jessica Chastain's character doesn't work though, but at least having Dazzler in a bit part made my heart sing.
Some fans are trashing the film, but it's not anywhere near what they are saying. We are living in a time where people chatter on social media about rewriting excellent movies like Avengers: Endgame. I encourage them to rise from the ashes and make their own movies with their phones instead of being so negative.