February 11-February 17, 2016

Thu. February 11, 2016 12:00 AM
by Sukie de la Croix

Gay life in Chicago this week, back in...


Article in Gay Life begins:

"On Sunday, Feb. 18, the Chicago chapter of the National Gay Academic Union will sponsor a program for the public on some cross-cultural aspects of being gay. Paul Backhurst, who worked for VISTA for fourteen months in 1977-78 on a housing program for the Omaha Indian tribe in Nebraska, will talk about both his own experience as a gay person on the reservation and the conditions of gay people there. Jerry Zarit, who recently taught at a women's university in Tehran during part of his 4 ½ years in Iran, will talk about what it means to be gay in Iran. Zarit will also share excerpts from the journal he kept while there."


IMAGE: Gentry Stars in December – Gay Chicago December 26 1985

Article in Gay Life reads:

"Beginning Feb. 9, the Three Penny Cinema will present an encore one-week showing of the 1976 independently made British film 'Sebastiane.' A depiction of the life of the Catholic martyr St. Sebastian, the film has as its major theme the sexual interplay between Sebastian, banished to a remote army outpost, and his commanding officer. Dreamlike visual of soldiers against a desert background dominate much of the film.

"'Sebastiane,' produced in Latin with English subtitles, had an enormously successful one-year run in London prior to its US release.


Travel Light Theater presents "Steambath" by Bruce Jay Friedman at the Theater Building, 1225 W. Belmont


IMAGE: Unison – Gay Chicago February 10, 1994

Lavender University's first anniversary dinner features 43rd Ward Alderman Marty Oberman discussing Gay Civil Rights. The event begins with cocktails followed by dinner at the Courtyard Inn, 1531 N. Wells. Entertainment provided by Judy Markowitz. Tickets $8.50.


Article by Ken Kimsey in Gay Life begins:

"Helen Shiller's campaigners are asking themselves where the fire will strike next.

"The independent candidate's campaign office at 652 W. Cornelia was struck by fire early last Friday morning, leaving the office ruined by water damage and the upstairs apartments entirely destroyed. Three workers who lived in a third floor apartment above the office had to be evacuated, along with the other 15 tenants.

"Although the recent fire is thought to have been caused by faulty wiring, its occurrence in the midst of a political campaign prompted staffers to remember a similarmidnight fire deliberately set at the group's Uptown office last October 9.

"In that fire, the offices of Keep Strong Publishing Company, 1222 W. Wilson, were destroyed by a fire set in the abandoned laundromat located downstairs from the office. Helen Shiller is editor of Keep Strong, a community-based progressive monthly magazine."


In the bars and clubs, there's a Cockpit BBS Monthly Party at North End, 3733 N. Halsted; Mardi Gras party with the She-Devils at Buddies, 3301 N. Clark; Mickey's Zoo Revue "Sweet & Sticky" at Numbers, 6406 N. Clark, featuring Ms. Marcel, Miss Dede, Jessica, Charlene, Veronica, Heather and Tanya Hardon with special musical guest, Ted Armstrong; Lights Out party at Manhole, 3458 N. Halsted;

Scooter Lee is in concert at Charlie's, 405 W. Ontario; St. Valentine's Day Massacre (Killer Drag Show) is at Dandy's Piano Bar, 3729 N. Halsted featuring Paula Sinclair, Gina Taye, Mommy Dearest, and a guest appearance by Phantom; Mardi Gras with Doug's Rock 'n' Roll Fun House at the Lucky Horseshoe Lounge, 3169 N. Halsted St.


IMAGE: Berlin – Nightspots December 19, 2007

Article in this week's Gay Chicago reads:

"The Oak Park Lesbian and Gay Association is very pleased to announce publication of the organization's first issue of Seven-Oh-Eight, a new semi annual journal of literary and visual arts. The journal seeks to make available work from a wide spectrum of artists–gay, bisexual, and heterosexual–with a focus on lesbian and gay experiences beyond the confines of our central cities. It is the intention of Seven-Oh-Eight's editors to publish two editions of Seven-Oh-Eight each year. Writers and artists are encouraged to submit work for review for upcoming publication."


"Nothing Says 'I Love You' Like Porn. There's a Valentine's porn sale at the Brown Elephant, 3651 N. Halsted St.


IMAGE: Make the Yuletide Gay – Windy City Times December 5, 2012

Chicago Gay Youth's Office of Events/Activities and Clubs host a "Heaven Valentine's Day" candlelight dinner and dance for all ages, at 1218 W. Addison. Casual attire is required, no hats or gym shoes. Dinner and movie starts at 7 p.m. and will be followed by dancing. Professional pictures of couples will be taken by a photographer for a minimal fee.


Dignity/Chicago hosts a presentation on same-sex marriage from a Catholic perspective titled: "A Call To Wed: Why Catholics Should Celebrate Same-Sex Marriage." The presentation by Catholic Theologian Patricia Beattie Jung, Ph.D is held at Broadway United Methodist Church, 3344 N. Broadway. The presentation is free and open to the public.


Does anyone know what happened to the Lavender University?

Whatever happened to Helen Shiller?

Did anyone see "Steambath"?

Gay Chicago Photo Rewind

Bob Sandiver photographs the Mr. Bistro Contest for Chicago Gay Crusader April 1974

Erin Cross photographs Chicago's gay bars for Gay Life January 30, 1986

AIDS activists in Windy City Times August 23, 1990

ACT UP in Windy City Times August 23, 1990

Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life, Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.