February 4-February 10, 2016

Thu. February 4, 2016 12:00 AM
by Sukie de la Croix

Gay life in Chicago this week, back in...


A headline in the Chicago Tribune reads: "THE AIDS EPIDEMIC: NOT FOR GAYS ONLY." Bob Greene writes:

"There's no need for everyone to spend all of this time worrying about the arms race and racial strife and crime on the nation's streets. We're all going to die of AIDS anyway.

"That's not some black-humor attempt to be cute. Every time I hear more news about the AIDS epidemic things seem to be getting worse--and every time I read what the experts have to say about AIDS, one thing becomes clear: Those of us who thought that the disease would always limit itself to homosexuals and other high-risk groups were fooling ourselves in the most pathetic way.

"When reports of AIDS first began to appear in the news media, many of us were silently relieved that it seemed to be a disease that afflicted only homosexuals and members of other, narrowly defined groups. That's an awful thing to say; one should never feel relief at a fatal disease targeting in on any group of people, regardless of the fact that it seems to spare us. But because those early reports indicated that if you weren't homosexual, then you were safe, many of us didn't overly concern ourselves with the new epidemic.

"Now, as reports of developments in the AIDS story continue to surface, it appears that matters are far more grave than anyone had previously imagined -- and suddenly the non-homosexual population is beginning to realize that it had better be concerned about this disease. The latest bad news came last Sunday, in a story by Tribune science writer Ron Kotulak.

"Kotulak reported that the AIDS epidemic 'appears to be growing out of control,' and that some health experts predict that there may be more than 200,000 new cases by the end of 1988. (Of people who have been diagnosed two years ago or longer as having AIDS, most have died.)"


AIDS activist Sean Strub, publisher and executive editor of POZ magazine, is the guest speaker at the grand opening of Spectrum, the Midwest's first completely integrated treatment center for persons with HIV/AIDS, located at 1300 W. Belmont.


IMAGE: Rick Fiala cartoon – Gay Chicago January 18, 1989

The Illinois Gay and Lesbian Political Action Committee (IMPACT) cordially invites you to its 8th Annual Political Gala. "Just Equal Rights" is held at the Chicago Hilton Towers – Grand Ballroom, 720 S. Michigan Ave. The keynote speaker is Hon. Barbara Roberts, Governor of Oregon, 1991-1995.


Bookstore owner Ann Christopherson and restaurateur Tom Tunney receive the Alongi Award, which is given annually and honors individuals for the substantial contributions to the advancement of the lesbian and gay political agenda. The Alongi Award was established in 1989 to recognize and honor the work of Joe Alongi, a founding member of IMPACT, who worked passionately for human rights for the people.


IMAGE: Cocktail hour in the Bushes – Gay Life January 19, 1979

In the bars and clubs, Larry Goodman's Windy City Boys perform at the totally remodeled Temptations, 10235 W. Grand, Franklin Park; the Cockpit BBS Valentine's Day Party is at North End, 3733 N. Halsted; the BOYZ CLUB presents Heart Throb at the Palace Theatre, 171 W. Randolph with DJ Tarbox; Mimi is at Vortex, 3631 N. Halsted, for her birthday show.


Obituary in Gay Chicago begins:

"Ronald Cropek, 34, known as Alex by many of his close friends, died Sunday afternoon, January 29, at St. Joseph's Hospital, of complications due to AIDS. Mr. Cropek died with his mother and loving partner holding his hands, along with family members and friends at his side."


The Stonewall Democrats meet at Ann Sather's, 929 W. Belmont, to provide support for Jim Snyder's campaign as an openly gay candidate for 46th Ward Committeeman.


IMAGE: Nightspots Cover – Nightspots October 31, 2007

Review, a Bi/Married Men's Support Group meets at 124 N. Kenilworth, Oak Park.


Windy City Gay Naturists host a Hot Tub Party at Great Lakes Spa Suites, 15 W. Hubbard.


The Dyke March 2000 planning meeting is at Horizons, 961 W. Montana.


Article by Robert Schultz in Outlines begins:

"'I can talk to anyone on the face of this planet about gay and lesbian health,' said Steve Wakefield.

"When Steve assumes his new responsibilities in Seattle, he will have plenty of opportunities to speak to people around the globe about LGBT health issues. Wakefield, a Chicago native, will soon assume responsibilities as the Director of Community Education of the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) project. The HVTN project is part of the Infections Diseases Program of the Clinical Research Division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle."


IMAGE: Under a Big Top – Nightspots December 2007

In Quotelines in Outlines:

"Gay men and lesbians are often portrayed as subverting the social order. But what are they trying to do? Join the military! Get married! Fix up the house and raise kids! In short, build the kind of world the religious right dreams of. Except that the basic social unit is a happily married couple of the same sex. No one disputes that the original purpose of the marriage laws was to facilitate procreating. But is this notion obsolete? Lots of people think so. ...With the liberalization of adoption rules in some jurisdictions, some gay couples are raising children, and using 'procreative technologies' such as artificial insemination, a few lesbians have borne children after coming out. Following that line of argument, one might easily conclude that it's unfair to deny marital benefits to people in long-term conjugal relationships solely because they're homosexual. ...If gay men and lesbians want to buck the hetero trend away from marriage and face the prospect of divorce and spousal support, why should the straight world care?" – Cecil Adams in his 'Straight Dope' column in the Chicago Reader.


Are Windy City Gay Naturists still around?

Are there any Bi/Married support groups these days?

Who remembers Vortex?

Gay Chicago Photo Rewind

The Baton girls in the Chicago Gay Crusader March-April 1974

Spike King photographs the drags at Berlin for Gay Chicago January 19, 1989

Spike King's King's Korner in Gay Chicago January 19, 1989

St. Sukie de la Croix's photographs at Scot's and Bucks for Nightlines February 9 2000

Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life, Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.