July 23-July 29, 2015
Thu. July 23, 2015 12:00 AM
by Sukie de la Croix
Gay life in Chicago this week, back in...
An article in this week's Windy City Times begins:
"The vote on the lesbian/gay-inclusive Human Rights Ordinance was postponed again on Tuesday. The vote had been scheduled for Wednesday, July 27.
"According to Rick Garcia of Gay and Lesbian Town Hall Meeting, the vote was delayed because 'at least three pro-Ordinance alderman were going to be out of town. If all the alderman had been present, we had enough votes to pass it (the Ordinance),' said Garcia.
"Garcia said that the vote will probably come up again in September. Asked if the new vote date made passage more difficult, Garcia replied, 'No, we'll be fine.'"
Obituary in Windy City Times:
"John Forqurean passed away June 25 of complications due to AIDS. He was 36.
"John had worked as a private-duty nurse for many years. He will be remembered for going above and beyond the call of duty in service to his patients.
"He is survived by Ken Coulter, his lover and best friend of 11 years, and his father and sister. Donations may be made in John's name to Chicago House, 801 W. Cornelia, Chicago 60657.
In the clubs and bars, every Friday night is '50s Rock and Roll Night at Club X Aurora, 77 S. Stolp; Hot Pink Sundays with Rita's strawberry margaritas at Roscoe's, 3354-56 N. Halsted; the best female impersonators in town are at Rusty's Show Club/Lounge, 1723 N. Halsted St.; "Truth or Dare Obsession" is at Berlin, 954 W. Belmont. "You too could be asked to do things with a wine bottle that would make your parents blush"; the Mr. Drummer/Mr. Drummer Boy contests and full moon party are at AA Meat Market, 2933 N. Lincoln Ave.; it's the 4th annual Bike Shorts Contest at North End, 3733 N. Halsted. First prize $150, 2nd prize $50, and 3rd prize $25; Mr. Carol's Contest takes place at Carol's Speakeasy, 1355 N. Wells.
IMAGE: Dugan's Bistro – Gay Chicago April 16, 1981
Article by David Olson in Windy City Times begins:
"Two southwest suburban men have been charged with attempted murder in connection with last summer's severe beating of a gay man in a forest preserve near Palos Heights.
"On July 8, police arrested Gregory Landini, 33, of Midlothian, and the state's attorney's office charged him with one count of attempted murder, two counts of aggravated battery and two counts of robbery. On May 13, police arrested Michael Mullennix, 28, of Dixmoor, a Cook County grand jury later indicted him on the same charges as Landini's.
"Glenn Meachum, 24, of the southwest suburbs (he did not want his hometown revealed), suffered severe lacerations and contusions over much of his body as a result of the May 7, 1990 attack. Cook County Forest Preserve Police Det. Jack Genius said one of the aggravated battery counts is because of the 'permanent disfigurement' Meachum suffered-a scar on his ear-and another is for 'permanent disability'-some loss of hearing."
Article on the front page of Windy City Times, by David Olson and Jeffrey McCourt, begins:
"Brutal Slayings Uncovered in Milwaukee
"Local witness links suspect to disappearance of Chicago man.
"A Chicago man said he saw his best friend, who has been missing for nearly three weeks, leave an Old Town bar with the Milwaukee man suspected of at least 11 gruesome murders.
"'It's him,' a teary-eyed Ted Jones said as he saw a photograph of the suspect, Jeffrey Dahmer, 31, on the Tuesday night television news.
"Jones said his friend, Jeremiah Weinberger, 23, left Carol's Speakeasy, 1355 N. Wells St., at about 4 amJuly 6 with a man who planned to take him to Milwaukee for the weekend. On Monday, before Milwaukee police had found at least 11 human heads and other body parts in Dahmer's apartment, Chicago police drew a composite sketch of the man with whom Jones saw Weinberger leave Carol's. Except for the absence of the mustache that Dahmer now wears, the sketch closely resembles the accused serial killer."
Chicago Outdoor Film Festival shows "A Streetcar Named desire" on a 50ft by 34ft screen under the stars in Grant Park.
IMAGE: Gay Chicago Cover – Gay Chicago May 17, 2001
In Nightlines:
"Open Hand is seeking volunteer runners and drivers to staff their north and west side delivery routes, bringing meals to low income people affected by HIV/AIDS."
Grinder, queer words and music hosted by Scott Free, is at the Coffee and Tea Exchange, 1100 W. Thorndale. This week features Robert McDonald and Shawn Martin.
IMAGE: Madrigals – Gay Chicago May 24, 2001
Stephen Rader sings the songs of Stephen Sondheim at Davenport's, 1383 N. Milwaukee.
In the Grapevine quote page in Outlines:
"Once homophobia declines, we are bound to witness the emergence of a homosexuality that is quite different from the homosexuality we know today. With the structures on queerness removed, and same-sex relationships normalized and accepted, it is very likely that more people will have gay sex but, paradoxically, less of them will identify as gay. This is because, in the absence of homophobia, the need to assert gayness becomes redundant." – leading British activist Peter Tatchell.
What's Stephen Rader up to these days?
Is Grinder still happening?
Who remembers Rusty's Show Lounge?
Gay Chicago Photo Rewind
Bob Bearden photographs the Mr. Gold Coast contest for Gay Life April 7, 1981
Tracy Baim photographs writer Crystos at the High Risk Gallery for Nightlines July 18, 2001
Genyphur Novak photographs Chicago's Gay Pride Parade for the July 4, 1991 Windy City Times
Sydney Burroughs photographs a protest at Illinois Masonic Hospital for July 25, 1991 Windy City Times
Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life, Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.