October 16-22, 2014

Thu. October 16, 2014 12:00 AM
by Sukie de la Croix

Gay life in Chicago this week, back in ...


On the front page of this week's Gay Chicago News:

"Opening night, October 21st, the new entertainment complex housed in the North Side Auditorium Building at 3730 North Clark St. will contain the Center Stage Disco and a Cabaret Nightclub. Since the purchase of the building this summer, the first project was the remodeling and reequipping the top floor theatre. The better equipped facilities became the new home of Victory Gardens Theatre which had been the tenants of what now becomes the balcony disco area.

"Completely redecorated in peach colored walls accented by gold leaf white trim, the second floor disco will provide a first in the nation light show. The system according to Chuck Renslow is a combination of three types, the laser, a multiple projection slide show and the standard system including strobes and chasers. A complimentary sound system places base speaker cabinets on the dance floor level, mid-range speakers on the balcony and speakers suspended from the ceiling. The effect of this system gives total clarity without sound dominance with its accompanying rumbling and screeching."


The Office of the Mayor of the City of Chicago announces that Mayor Richard M. Daley has declared October 1994, to be Lesbian and Gay History Month in Chicago. Made in response to a request by the Gerber/Hart Gay and Lesbian Library and Archives and the Chicago Commission on Human Relations' Advisory Council of Gay and Lesbian Issues, the proclamation urges all Chicagoans to "recognize the significant contributions of members of Chicago's diverse gay and lesbian communities to the vitality of the city."


IMAGE: Man's World – Gay Life February 17, 1978

In the bars and clubs this week, "A Full Moon Wet Boxer Contest at Roscoe's, 3354-56 N. Halsted; Hunter's, 1932 Higgins Road, Elk Grove, celebrates 12 years with complimentary drinks, and hors d'oeuvres and DJ's Aaron and Jerry; and CeCe Peniston sings "Finally," "Hit By Love," and many others at the Vortex, 3631 N. Halsted.


Tony Kushner, author of "Angels in America" makes an appearance at People Like Us Bookstore, 3321 N. Clark St.


Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin are at Barbara's Bookstore, 3130 N. Broadway, to read from "Edith Ann: My Life, So Far."


IMAGE: Psycho Sundays – Gay Chicago January 4, 1996

Article in Gay Chicago begins:

"When the NortHalsted Area Merchants Association (NAMA) was asked to support the Lakeview Citizen's Council (LVCC) anti-crime committee in its move to provide bicycles for 23rd District patrol officers, the response was enthusiastic. NAMA donated $500 of the $1650 collected toward the purchase of the three Cannondale Police Model bikes, which will be presented in a ceremony at Town Hall later this month."


Article in Gay Chicago begins:

"Rainbow Bridge has announced that Paul Concialdi and Dan Neuwelt have been elected president and vice president, respectively. Rainbow Bridge is an organization of disabled individuals who are gay/lesbian/bisexual. All people of all disabilities, as well as their friends, family, and significant others, are welcome."


"Barbra is Coming to Chicago!" In the person of the world's greatest illusionist, Jim Bailey, at the Vic Theatre, 3145 N. Sheffield.


In this week's Windy City Times:

"The University of Chicago has given a large house on the ventral campus to the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture; the Center for Gender Studies; and the Lesbian and Gay Studies Project of the CGS. ... All three groups now have their administrative offices in the three-story house, which also has space for seminars, workshops, and more."


IMAGE: Eagle Leathers – March 20, 2002

The Royal Imperial Sovereign Barony of the Windy City hosts its annual Harvest Moon benefit at Annex 3, 3160 N. Clark St. with proceeds going to the American Liver Foundation, Gerber/Hart, Leather Archives, LCCP, and Equality Illinois


Ripley Caine's CD release party for "Lover" is at the Subterranean, 2011 W. North Ave.


In Quotelines in Outlines:

"I don't know how many people know about my personal life. I mean, it's not something that I've hidden but I don't think about it. ... From the time I started performing I was never hidden about who I am. Even though I didn't talk about it, God knows I played in many gay bars when I started in L.A. and that's where I really developed a lot of my ability. It was probably in the gay bars that I could do the repertoire I wanted to do. Standards and show tunes, those were the places people wanted to hear them." – Michael Feinstein


"I used to like her but I don't anymore because she goes around shooting pheasants. She's trying to be all English. I've seen pictures of (her and her husband) going out and shooting innocent birds. What did they do to her? She's got enough feathers." – Boy George on Madonna.


"It's interesting to me how people think that if you're gay, you're left-wing, and it's like, No, each one of us is different. ... I'm still against abortion. ... Do you think I'm not for the death penalty?" – Ann Donahue, writer and executive producer of TV's "CSI: Crime Scene Investigations."


In this week's Gay Chicago:

"The third annual 'Dream Halloween Chicago,' presented by Target Stores, will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19, at the Windy City Fieldhouse, 2367 W. Logan Blvd., and benefits Children Affected by AIDS Foundation. Honorary event chairs are Marlee Matlin and Mayor and Mrs. Richard M. Daley.

"Featuring an evening of Halloween fantasy for both kids and adults held in a safe and secure environment, more that 1,500 children and their families are expected to attend. Guests will enjoy a Halloween village created by America's leading toy companies, including a life-sized 'Trick-or-Treat Lane' stocked with toys and giveaways, more than 30 famous costumed characters, treats and gourmet food provided by leading area restaurants, arts and crafts activities, face painting, music and entertainment, live and silent auctions and more. Readings by authors Todd Parr and R.L. Stine as well as a performance by Barney will take place on the Target Stage."


Anyone remember Center Stage?

What's Ripley Caine up to these days?

Is Rainbow Bridge still around?

Gay Chicago Photo Rewind

Dan DiLeo photographs a camp show at Broadway Limited for Gay Chicago October 9, 1980

Chicago's 16th Gay Pride parade in Gay Life July 4, 1985

Israel wright photographs at Sidetrack for Nightlines December 30, 1998

St. Sukie photographs the Buddies crowd for Nightspots March 5, 2003

Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow forGay Life, Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.


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