April 17 – April 23, 2014

Thu. April 17, 2014 12:00 AM
by Sukie de la Croix

Gay life in Chicago this week, back in ...


IMAGE: Man's Country – Gay Life February 17, 1978

Porn star Peter Berlin appears live at the Bijou Adult Movie Theater, to introduce two of his films "Nights in Black Leather" and "That Boy."


Representatives of the Illinois Gay Rights Task Force and Evangelicals Concerned testify at the Chicago regional hearing of the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy, calling for an end to the current immigration law policy of excluding foreign homosexuals.


In this week's Gay Chicago:

"Gay Chicago Magazine this week announces the acquisition of the Milwaukee Calendar, a bi-weekly publication for Milwaukee's gay community.

"Publication of the Milwaukee Calendar by the new publishers will begin Friday, April 25. The magazine will be distributed in Milwaukee and other Wisconsin communities free of charge every other Friday.

"Negotiation to purchase the Calendar began after the previous owners, Dru Maki and Bill Tangeney said because of other business commitments they could not devote the necessary time to produce or expand the publication."


IMAGE: Black Market Chicago – Nightlines January 1, 1997

Also in Gay Chicago:

"Though a number of persons have been questioned, police said this week no one had been arrested in the case involving the brutal attack against Warner (Nino B.) Heacox, owner of Ann Arkees, a punk rock club near Broadway and Diversey.

"Heacox remained in a coma at Illinois Masonic Hospital. He received massive head wounds and other injuries in the attack, which occurred after he closed the bar early Sunday morning, April 6.

"Police asked the gay community for leads in their investigation."


"The Maids" by Jean Genet is playing at the Court Studio Theatre at 57th and University. Featuring an all-male cast (in women's roles) this play is politically perverse and sexually hostile.


At the Parkway Theatre, "A Streetcar Named Desire," and "The Fugitive Kind" are showing. See Marlon Brando on his knees in Tennessee Williams' steamy screen drama.


Speak Its Name (from 'the love that dare not' etc. which is a poetic way of saying homosexuality) is the name of Chicago's new gay and lesbian theater company. They'll present an open workshop on speech and voice production, starting tonight at 7.15 at the Broadway Methodist Church (corner of Broadway and Buckingham).


In the bars and clubs this week, Party Family Feud with the cast of "Party" vs. the cast of "Girl Party" is at Roscoe's, 3354-56, N. Halsted; there's a Full Moon Bandana Party at Touché, 6412 N. Clark St.; cum to the "Underwear Party" at Manhole, 3458 N. Halsted; "Steamy Nights in L.A." party" with a Hot Shorts Contest All Night Long at L.A. Connection, 3700 N. Halsted; and Men of Body Sweat appear at Numbers, 6406 N. Clark St.;


IMAGE: Big Chicks Lounge – Nightlines December 30, 1998

Strike Against AIDS launches its fundraising program with a Celebrity Bowl Tournament and cash raffle at Marigold Bowl, 828 W. Grace St.


It's the Association of Latino Men for Action Noche de Gala Fundraiser for ALMA: Cuban food and salsa dancing at 2659 N. Milwaukee Ave.


Adult film star Aaron Austin appears live at Man's Country, 5017 N. Clark St.


Chicago 35 presents "Rites of Spring 5," a dance for women of all ages, co-sponsored by Outlines Newsmagazine, with DJ Diana Foust, at Ann Sather's Restaurant, 929 W. Belmont.


Gerber/Hart Gay and Lesbian Library and Archives Board President Kevin Boyer, announces three new appointments to the Gerber/Hart board of directors. New appointees to the board include: Greg Salustro, director of development and public relations for Howard Brown Health Center, Chicago; Charles Harmon, headquarters librarian of the American Library Association, Chicago; and Norene M. Carter, grant writer for the Women's Theological Center, Boston, Massachusetts. Ms. Carter is based in Chicago.


Top 10 Music Playlist courtesy of DJ Eddie at Manhole and Vortex: 1) "Love and Happiness" – River Ocean featuring India; 2) "Thinking About You" – Deep Experiments; 3) "I Want You" – Julia Roberts; 4) "Esta Es La Musica" – Café Latino; 5) "Because of Love" – Janet Jackson; 6) "Moving On Up" – M People; 7) "Going Nowhere" – Gabrielle; 8) "Come & Take a Trip" – Smooth Touch; 9) "I'm in Love" – Fresh Mould; 10) "Can You See It" – Kafe.


Lynda Licina and Sukie de la Croix host a Bad Taste Party at Buddies, 3301 N. Clark. "Come celebrate the worst in everything" MC'd by Faustina, there's a bad taste/worst dressed contest, and a feminine hygiene product objet d'art contest. Proceeds go to the Lesbian Community Cancer Project.


IMAGE: Resurrection Weekend at Cell Block – Gay Chicago April 12, 2001

Chicago Black Lesbians and Gays host the 6th Annual Celebration Unity Conference V at the Hyatt Regency, McCormick Place.


It's the Chicago Gay Men's Chorus premiere of "Men in Musicals" at the Athenaeum Theatre, 2936 N. Southport.


In "Quotelines" in Outlines:

"An ever-widening gap has opened between rank and file gay men and the institutions which many of us created, funded, and staffed as volunteers. Until AIDS leaders cease to patronize the common gay man by presenting us with 'facts' that have little likeness to the realities of our lives or the findings of balanced biomedical research, and until they cease to treat us with contempt, they ensure the further erosion of their funding and volunteer base in gay communities." – Gay writer Eric Rofes in Seattle's The Stranger alternative weekly.


Minority Outreach Intervention Project. Lo Nuestro es un program de discussion para hombres Latinos con vida sexual alternative, 1900 S. Carpenter.


What happened to the Milwaukee Calendar?

What happened to Warner (Nino B.) Heacox?

"I Want You" – Julia Roberts. Is that THE Julia Roberts?

Gay Chicago Photo Rewind

Terry Gaskins photographs Silky Jumbo and others at the Vortex for Gay Chicago March 16, 1995

Terry Gaskins photographs Eio Caban, Paul Little and Tim Reilly at Buddies for Gay Chicago March 16, 1995.

The Hearts Party Weekend photographed by Mookie for Nightlines February 26, 1997

St. Sukie de la Croix photographs the Barony, a dancer at the Lucky Horseshoe Lounge and a tit pump at the Eagle.

Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life, Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.