June 20 - 26, 2013
Thu. June 20, 2013 12:00 AM
by Sukie de la Croix
Gay life in Chicago this week, back in ...
The June 16, 1978 issue of Gay Life reads:
"Chicago's Annual Gay and Lesbian Pride Week begins this evening with a Candlelight Vigil in Lincoln Park to commemorate those gay men and lesbians who have suffered persecution throughout history. The theme of this year's celebration is 'Our Time Has Come ...'
"Among the highlights of the week is the annual picnic on Sunday, June 18 beginning at 2 PM in Lincoln Park at Cannon Drive east of the lagoon near Diversey. The Loop Rally at 1 PM Friday, June 23 in Daley Plaza will feature lesbian author Valerie Taylor and social legislators. The Pride Week dance, Summer Magic, will be held on Saturday, June 24 from 8 PM until 1:30 AM in the Clouds Room of the Allerton Hotel, 701 N. Michigan.
"Many other activities are also planned for this year's Pride Week including workshops, a reading by theSunday Evening Writers Group, the annual interfaith religious service and the annual Open Town Meeting.
"Movie night for Pride week will feature "Outrageous" with Craig Russell on Wednesday, June 21 at Burrill Hall, St. James Cathedral, 65 E. Huron at 7:30. The film is being shown courtesy of Little Jim.
"Thursday evening the Mr. Windy City Contest will be held at the Radisson Hotel, 505 N. Michigan beginning 8:30 PM. This annual contest, sponsored by Eddie Dugan of the Bistro and Mother Carol of Cheeks, will also be a benefit for the Pride Week Committee.
"Chicago's Pride Week will conclude with the 9th annual parade on Sunday, June 25. Line-up will be at 1 PM on the east side of Halsted, just south of Belmont, and step-off will be at 2 PM. The parade will follow the same route as last year: Belmont east to Broadway, then south on Broadway and Clark to Fullerton. The parade will then proceed east on Fullerton through Lincoln Park to the rally site where awards for the best floats will be presented.
"Two benefits for the Pride Committee will also take place during Pride week itself. The Knight Out will have its annual international buffet on the evening of Saturday, June 17, and the Bushes will hold its annual post-parade wrap-up on Sunday evening, June 25."
The Fourteenth Annual Gay and Lesbian Pride Parade.
NOTE: Recently un-elected Mayor Jane Byrne rode in the parade, marking the first time a Chicago politician appeared in the event. Newly elected Mayor Harold Washington spoke at the rally afterward, also a first for an incumbent Mayor to make any appearance at a Gay Pride Week event.
A minor controversy surrounded this development, as some excoriated Byrne for waiting until she was no longer Mayor to take part in the parade. Others chided Washington for going to rally but not marching in the parade.
In the bars and clubs this week, the 2nd Story Bar, 157 E. Ohio, welcomes after work, after shopping, after the movies, crowd. Join Jay afternoon for cocktails, and Saturdays and Sundays your bartender "Poobs"; Rudy de la Mor is appearing at Gentry of Chicago, 712 N. Rush St.; 2 for 1 Can Beer in the Barn at Gold Coast, 5025 N. Clark St.; Take One, 270 N. Clark St., hosts a "Name That Video" contest with a $2 door charge donated to Howard Brown Memorial Clinic and Chicago House; Texas style BBQ on Sundays at Manhandler, 1948 N. Halsted; "A Night of Motown" with DJ Larry Fox at Carol's Speakeasy, 1355 N. Wells; "Mr. Scooters Contest" at Scooters on the River, 1177 N. Elston; June 21st is the first day of summer at Paris Dance, 1122 W. Montrose; and it's the 1st anniversary at Rick's Retreat, 3445 N. Halsted.
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Howard Brown Memorial Clinic sponsors an "AIDS Update," a summary of information from the 3rdInternational AIDS Conference held earlier this month in Washington, D.C. The seminar, co-sponsored by Gay and Lesbian AIDS Scientists, is held in the auditorium at Illinois Masonic Medical Center, 836 W. Wellington.
Some of the Pride events this year include:
Wednesday, June 24, 1987
6:30 p.m.: Discussion and presentation by AIDS Alternative Health Project regarding acupuncture and other approaches to AIDS care.
7 p.m.: Pride social. "Meet the Task Force," sponsored by the Illinois Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 615 W. Wellington, refreshments free admission.
7:30 p.m.: Class. "Homosexuality and Judaism," by Rabbi Roy Furman, Congregation Or Chadash, party room, 3150 N. Sheridan, members free, non members $5.
8: p.m.: Poetry reading by lesbian and gay poets, Axe Street Arena, 2778 N. Milwaukee.
8 p.m.: Slide Show/Discussion. "Pornography: Practice of Inequality," presented by Feminists On the Offensive, at Link's Hall, 3435 N. Sheffield.
Thursday, June 25, 1987
7:30 p.m.: Workshop. "Coming Out for Women," by Hannah Frisch, Ph.D., 2323 N. Halsted.
7-9 p.m.: Workshop. "Being Gay in the Straight Workplace," by Judith Lansky (Lansky Career Consultants) and Sid Cooksey, Rodde Center, 3225 N. Sheffield.
Friday, June 26, 1987
6-9 p.m.: Wine and cheese social, for volunteers, Howard Brown Memorial Clinic.
8 p.m.: Concert. Chicago Gay Men's Chorus, "You Gotta Have Friends," Riviera, Lawrence and Broadway. Special guests the Artemis Singers.
8:30 p.m. Annual Gay Pride Shabbat Service, Congregation Or Chadash, Second Unitarian Church, 656 W. Barry.
PM: Lesbian Pride Dance, 615 W. Wellington, sponsored by Kinheart and Horizons. DJ Randi May Kent $5 ($6 on door)
Gay Chicago Photo Rewind
Gay Chicago April 16, 1998. Terry Gaskins took these photographs in Roscoe's.
Terry Gaskins photographs in Gay Chicago January 19, 1995 ...isn't that Terry Gaskins in the top picture. Yes it is!
Gay Chicago July 21, 1983 ...oops! Wardrobe malfunction
What happened to Rabbi Roy Furman?
Does anyone remember Poobs the bartender at 2nd Story?
Did anyone ever go to Scooters on the River?
Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader , Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago , Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life , Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab , David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press , Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times , and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.