November 15-21, 2012

Thu. November 15, 2012 12:00 AM
by Sukie de la Croix

Gay life in Chicago this week, back in ...


The lockers at the Unicorn bathhouse, 3246 N. Halsted, are $2.


In the bars and clubs this week Hunters, 1932 E. Higgins Rd., Elk Grove Village, has Monday Specials 75c for beer, wine and well drinks and 25c slammers; there are male dancers at the Glory Hole, 1343 N. Wells; Tommy Lane presents Lady B as Liza in New Faces of 82 at the Spice Tree, 2811 N. Central; the Manhandler, 1948 N. Halsted, is NOW OPEN until 4 a.m.;


(Image: Dugan's Bistro – Gay Chicago News October 7, 1977)

"Science and Sex" is the topic of a New Town Forum at Good Shepherd Parish Metropolitan Community Church, 615 W. Wellington. Mathematical physicist and theologian Brian Swimme presents an approach to human sexuality reflecting the insights of the "new physics" and the "creation-centered spirituality" movement.


It's the Grand Opening of the Toolbox Adult Arcade, 414 N. Clark St.


The "Cornucopia" benefit at Park West raised $11,000 for Howard Brown's Project AIDS, the clinic's new counseling and treatment program for persons with the disease. At the time, there was thought to be 30 cases of AIDS in Chicago.


The Top Ten Video Playlist courtesy of Chuck Hyde of Sidetrack: 1) "DJ Culture" – Pet Shop Boys; 2) "Love to Hate You" – Erasure; 3) "Running Back To You" – Vanessa Williams; 4) "What Time Is Love" – KLF; 5) "Say It (Remix)" – ABC; 6) "Save Up All Your Tears" – Cher; 7) "Gonna Catch You" – Lonnie Gordon; 8) "The Beginning" – Seal; 9) "Come Inside" – Thompson Twins; 10) "Street of Dreams" – Nia Peeples.


Boy George appears live on stage at Bistro Too, 5015 N. Clark St.


This week sees the opening of notorious leather bar Deeks, 3401 N. Sheffield.


"Sex and the Sandinistas," a documentary video looking at homosexual history and culture in Nicaragua during the Sandinista revolution, is showing at Facets Multimedia


A Grand Opening reception party is hosted by Lesbian Chicago to inaugurate their new lesbian space and programs at the Rodde Center, 4753 N. Broadway.


The 3rd Annual Women of Impact Brunch takes place at Paris Dance, 1122 W. Montrose. Special guests include Paula Ettelbrick, Legal Director, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund; Sara Peretsky, author and pro-choice advocate; and humorist Marcia Wilkie.


Joe Keenan, the author of "Blue Heaven," reads from his new book "Putting On the Ritz" at People Like Us Bookstore, 3321 N. Clark St.


An article in Gay Chicago begins: "The Pink Angels Anti-violence Project has recently announced its elected officers as well as its executive board of directors.

"Officers include Alyn R. Toler, chairperson; Michael Pakis, executive vice-President; Gary Naham, vice president; David Clayton, recording secretary; Dan Theilan, treasurer; Rob Hadley, sergeant of arms; and Mary Silas, sergeant of arms.


Quote in this month's Outlines reads: "You've all heard some rumors about me over the years. I think I should make a statement. My name is Richard Gere and I'm a lesbian" – Richard Gere.

(Image: Rufus and Melissa – Gay Chicago June 2, 2010)


One of the star movies at the 14th Chicago Lesbian and Gay International Film Festival is "Totally F***ed Up," Greg Araki's film about a group of culturally diverse teenagers.


The 4th Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame induction ceremony takes place at the Chicago Cultural Center, 77 E. Randolph. Among the individuals celebrated are Tracy Baim, George Busse, Steve Wakefield and Lori Cannon.


The cover of Gay Chicago this week reads: "ONE MORE DAY: Les Miz Returns."


An article in Gay Chicago reads: "Gay & Lesbian Vote, a project of the Illinois Federation of the Illinois Federation for Human Rights, registered the most voters in the State of Illinois during the months of September and October, according to the Democratic Party of Illinois. The federation's sixty volunteer voter registrars added almost 7,000 new voters to the rolls this year."


Another article in Gay Chicago begins: "Stop AIDS is the city's only social service agency solely committed to multicultural, community motivated HIV/AIDS prevention programs. Since 1987 Stop AIDS has provided services to more than 56,000 individuals."


A "Masquerade Fantasy Ball" is held at the Willowbrook Ballroom, 8904 S. Archer Ave., to benefit the DuPage County Health Dept. AIDS program.

Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of the book Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.