Feature Column: Fitness
08/01/2007 - Weight-Gainer Series: BACK
Fitness Editor David Bohn focuses on a large body part that tends to get second shift with some people, the back.
06/01/2007 - Summer Activities In the City
The warmer weather has finally arrived and Fitness Editor David Bohn offers some summer activities in the city
01/10/2007 - Fat Metabolism and Exercise Performance
With the new year, it's time get back on the exercise and healthy eating bandwagon
12/05/2006 - Holiday Tips
Fitness Editor David Bohn with some tips to avoid the holiday pounds
09/02/2006 - Martial Arts: Fitness for the Body and the Mind
Martial Arts can improve one’s physical and mental stamina and strength.
07/06/2006 - Welcome Gay Games Fitness Competitors
Fitness Editor David Bohn welcomes fellow Gay Games competitors to the Windy City
01/01/2006 - Resolutions 101
New Year, New You: maintaining thouse New Year's resolutions
11/01/2005 - Fat Metabolism & Exercise Performance
Avoid the winter weight by focusing on diet, weight training and cardiovascular
10/01/2005 - Weight-Gainers Series: Triceps
With the transition to fall, it's time to get series again about your workouts.
09/15/2005 - Fitness with a Kick: Martial Arts
As fall arrives Martial Arts could offer a different regimen to your workout program
06/01/2005 - Summer Activities
As June heats up, it's time to take the workout activities outdoors
02/01/2005 - Shedding Fat While Maintaining Muscle
12/02/2004 - Surviving the Holiday Eats
The Holidays mean challenges to maintaining your workout regimen, survive the Holiday eats.
11/05/2004 - Weight-Gainer Series: Back
Fit for the Holidays: Weight-Gainer Series: Back
10/05/2004 - Weight-Gainer Series: Chest
Rededicate yourself to the club and begin the transformation of your physique
09/01/2004 - Cardio Training for the AIDS Run and Walk
08/01/2004 - Weight Gainer Series: Biceps
David gets us back on track this late summer. Weight gainer series: Biceps
06/01/2004 - The Summer Beckons
Preparing for summer, a season of less clothing, with training tips and techniques.
05/01/2004 - If You Want to Improve Your Physique, Balance the Energy Expenditure
Shift your workout plan into high gear - keep it in balance