June 24, 2010

Doing everything in threes

BY Darling Darby ("Ask Darby")

I seem to be doing everything in three’s. I’ve been questioning my lifestyle. I feel like a rabbit! I’m juggling 3 boyfriends, 3 apartments, and 3 jobs, and I’m just getting tired! Well, I have one apartment and stay at the other two. It’s getting confusing!


Tired and Confused

Dear Tired and Confused,

No wonder you feel like a rabbit, you’re hoping around all the time! Have you heard of Feng Shui? Briefly, the items are arranged in odd numbers, but I don’t think this was what was in mind!

There must be reasons that you have made this choice. Maybe you love being around the people you are with, don’t need commitments, or need to work three jobs for financial reasons?

I suggest you rethink what you like about your lifestyle, and perhaps start entertaining at your apartment. I think your heart is your home. Relax, evaluate what you like in each person, and why you need to be anywhere else than your home. As for your three jobs, only you know why you’re working and what your needs are. You’re smart to have backup jobs in this economy, but perhaps you need a break from one.

My question to you is, at which apartment do you keep your best clothes? Think about that. Have fun this summer, and let me know how things work out.

Princess Darby

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