November 17, 2008

Which balance sheet comes first work or love

BY Darling Darby ("Ask Darby")

Dear Princess,

My partner and I are celebrating our 20 year anniversary.

It's the end of our fiscal year at work and I can't take time to go off and celebrate it with him. He's a romantic and thinks romance should come first.

Any ideas?

In The Red

Dear In The Red,

Congratulations on your 20th anniversary! A relationship that has lasted for 20 years should be applauded. Only through commitment and dedication has this been achieved.

When we think of celebrating anniversaries, people ask what are you doing, what are you giving? But I think when we give ourselves and our time that is more personal than anything materialistic.

If you are thinking in terms of a gift, the traditional gifts for 20 year anniversaries are china, platinum, and the flower is the day lily.

Instead, since time is an issue, maybe you could juggle a little time to plan an evening with your partner.

Perhaps you could check out the hotel spas which offer romantic massage packages for couples with champagne and flowers…especially Chinese massages? Or even dinner out at one of your favorite restaurants, then a romantic evening at home together…you design the rest!

Whatever you do, even if it’s a quiet picnic for two on your living room floor with good wine, good music, and good food, it will be the celebration to both of you.


Princess Darby

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