Dear Princess Darby,
I have recently returned to the Chicagoland area and the once active group that I had attended is no longer active.
Do you know of any groups for lesbians out here in the SouthEast or SouthWest burbs? It seems everything I read about is way up North.
I would really like to join a support/social group or better yet start one. But I'd really like to here from you first since you seem to have the best information around. Thanks for your service.
Sincerly looking for support.
Ms. Burbs
Dear Ms. Burbs,
Welcome back to the Chicago area!
You're right, is the "go to" place to check out what's happening.
Unfortunately Princess Darby is a city gal, and when I did live in the burbs, I always ventured to the city I lived in.
I think your idea of initiating a fun support or social group in the burbs is great! A start would be to check out MyPride Network on the site, or perhaps the calendar of events.
Become active with the social and charity events in Chicago. I'm sure you'll hookup with organizations and meet alot of great people. Networking is the ideal.
This is a great time of year to get involved. And...the key words here? Involved, networking, people, and don't forget fun!
In the interim, let's ask our readers for any ideas, after all this is a community to be involved in and with!
I'm looking forward to your ideas, and please Ms. Burbs, let me know hour your networking "works" for you!
Enjoy the fall,
Princess Darby
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