Dear Princess Darby,
I just wanted to know, why your first is always the hardest? Your first relationship, first love?
Does love get better as you go?
Dear Hopeful,
Darling, everything gets better as you "go"!
From the get go, everything in life that is a "first" draws from anticipation, anxiety, disappointment, excitement, surprise, or wonderment.
Everything in life is a first. Like the first day at school, first prom, first day at college, first marriage, or the first day on the job. Everything that's experienced to be your "first" is always new and exciting.
The "first" love and relationship is the most exciting and the most "dreamy". It's all emotions, expections and unknown all wrapped into one. That's what life is all about. That's what the beauty of life is about....change.
If we don't have change, disappointments, and challenges, how can we compare? What would we have to look forward to?
It's wonderful to be in love. It's fabulous to have a healthy relationship. It depends when it is and where you are in life.
Love is like an elevator. It goes up and down. There are multiple floors for destinations, a stop button, and an alarm for help.
But unlike the Tower of Terror elevator at DisneyWorld, you control your destination in this elevator. You never know who you'll meet on your next ride. And, if your not sure your ready, take the stairs... but make sure the door to the exit you want is open!
Be happy, be safe, and enjoy the summer. Summer in love is the most beautiful time...except spending it with friends when your are not.
Princess Darby
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