Dear Princess Darby,
My ex and I were together for about 2yrs. Things got crazy. After feelings were hurt,we broke up. But, after bout 9 months later I told her I still loved her.
As I always,I felt I was stupid to let her go the first time. I thought the next time would be for the long haul. We got back together and recently we broke up again... she broke up with me and then she regreted it..and I wanted to get back with her. Now she has hurt me and I dont know what to do.
I have a new job which keeps me super busy, so I wouldnt be able to see her as much as I liked to. She asked me to get back with her, and as hard as it was, I said no.. and now she feels like we shouldn't even speak to each other because it would be too hard for her to be just friends... what do I do!!!!
I dont want to lose her completely cause I LOVE this girl, but right now i just cant get back with her for reasons I cant control.
Help please
-why cant relationships come with manuals
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Dear Relationships With Manuals,
Trust me, you don't want a manual of love written by an industrial engineer! Not even for punching bags that may be designed for love.
It was easy to feel the frustration you are experiencing. I lost track how many times your relationship ended and started up again.
After the repeat breakups, why do you think you go back to each other? Is it habit, comfort, or convenience? Do you really think it's true love? Because if you do, you better look up the words commitment and partner.
Since your last separation, it seems like you have made changes in both your career and lifestyle. Whenever we make changes, no matter how slight, it adds stress to our lives.
The next questiton is whether past lovers can be friends. There is always residue or a bad hangover when this happens. Avoid the lingering questions and whispers of doubt. Perhpas give yourselves a break emotionally and physically.
Each relationship has its own characteristics. Normally if two people decide to separte they move on...unless it's been agreed to take a break for reevaluation of their needs and situation.
Look up the words: breakup, love, friends, and separate. I think you can use your best judgment to make your own decison. And, If you can't, reread your letter.
Don't be the punching bag of love and relationships, and don't let it bounce back and punch you in the eye!
Afterall, you don't want to start your new career or future relationships with a shiner!
Princess Darby
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