June 11, 2004

Dear Out Of The Pan, Into The Fire

BY Darling Darby ("Ask Darby")

Dear Princess Darby,

A month ago I ended a 3 year controling relationship. I want to be careful not to rush into my next relationship.

However, I met someone who seems to have all of the qualities that my ideal man would have. We talk daily and see each other roughly twice a week. We have many great open and honest converstaions with each other.

But, his best friend who also lives with him is very jealous. She will do anything to call the attention that he is giving to me back to her. And, while I don't want to tell him what to do, I don't know if I can handle my time being taken up by her. Especially since he is usually stressed out after he gets done dealing with her.

How I do I get him to stop letting her steal my time with him?

Out Of The Pan, Into The Fire.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Dear Out Of The Pan, Into The Fire,

This receipe for romance is starting out with too many spices and bad cooks!

It sounds like you just finished a bad meal, and now, getting ready to sit down at another table offering the same entree...bad relationships.

The dish of the day, control over medallions of jealousy, with sides of wimpiness.

I usually try a restaurant 3 times if it's decent to be fair. Bad service, bad hair day, unhappy chef. If it's a disaster on the first try, I walk out.

Do you think your first relationship has awakened your taste buds of unhealthy relationships or situations? Do you think maybe a limp salad with bad dressing as a live in friend is being served will give you indigestion?

I don't think you have to be a food critic to see what is happening. If you truly have an open relationship with this person, then indeed, you have discussed your concerns with him.

But, I have a question for you. How can one steal time? Time, "indefinite continued eixtence of the universe in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole", it can't be stolen, just wasted.

Don't waste your time. Enjoy yourself, and everything will fall into place. You control yourself, not others. Have a feast, there's soooo many fabulous appetizers out there!

Shrimp with garlic and herbs, anyone?

Princess Darby

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