Dear Princess Darby,
I have only been with my girlfriend for almost 2 months. On our one month aniversary we moved in together. We were okay for a few weeks but now things are hectic. We are fighting everyday & she is reminding me more & more of guys with the rude sexual comments.
I'm only 22 (gonna be 23 this month! YEAY) & she is close to 33. She wants to run out & party, drink & eat out all the time in fancy restaurants. The girl can't cook, believe me i'm not exhagerating she burns the pot she boils water in! She isn't very responsible & I don't know what to do.
I love her but I need her to grow up & "act her age". How can I get her to see that even though I believe we are meant to be together, she needs to live in this reality, instead of trying to relive her teenage years? Thanks! :)
The Old Soul~
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Dear Old Soul,
You must have led a fast life to be an "Old Soul" at your age!
Read your letter again and highlight your "probems". Circle your age and interests in red.
I don't think a woman is challenged if she doesn't cook, I don't. You only have one life to live, and I strongly believe in supporting the economy by going out and having fun.
Two words jumped out at me when I read your letter. History and future. One, a person has to have experience to have a history. Two, a person has to move forward to have a future.
I don't like to be brutal in honesty, but, how can one be in love, ready to commit having known a person for two months? I can't decide on how to have my hair cut, and it's been three!
Finally, look up the word "anniversary", and decade. I believe anniversary means " a date on which event took place in a previous year". The word decade, means" a series of ten". Your lover is a decade in age difference than you.
Figure it out. Whatever, enjoy yourselves for the time you have together.
Princess Darby
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