April 20, 2004

Dear Good Guy

BY Darling Darby ("Ask Darby")

Dear Princess Darby,

I am needing some advice on something. I am 27 and am ready to settle with someone. My friends say that I am still young, and why should I be already interested in being in a serious relationship when I can still go out and have "a good time". But that's not what I want. I am very much interested in being with someone who shares the same likes as I do.

I have posted my profile on ChicagoPride.com and it seems that the only thing that anyone is into nowadays is sex.

I have been single for almost 2 years and I just want someone who I can come home too and say I love you, cuddle up to watch a movie or have dinner.

My friends say that I intimidate people because of my profession and people don't know how to take me. I am dancer/choreographer and do some modeling on the side. Why does that scare people and will I ever find someone?

What do I do???

Good Guys do Finish Last

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Dear Good Guy,

You have a deeper meaning in your life. I read time is important to you. I strongly believe that each individual has to gauge time for themselves. I also believe that there are two mesures of time in life.

One is chronological measure of time, and the other, an emotional measure of time. Each is based on one's unique physical and emotional makeu. Therefore, at 27, two years without a partner may seem like a lifetime when you are lonely, or with the quick passage of time, overnight. But, don't lament, it's not a drought!

Your feelings are natural. Everyone wants to come home to someone, share your life, be of need. If this is what you want, then go for it. Surround yourself in the environment and people that would be conducive to this. It's the movers that make the movement, so go out there and move!

Now, not everyone in the world are models, dancers, and beautiful people. Human beings have insecurities. People are competitive in work and in love. Why do you think you see so many people out there competing in the dating arena spending money on cosmetics, clothes, hair, striking poses with cigarettes, and pretty cocktail glasses? Some are pretty shallow don't you think?

Yes, you will find someone. Keep a low profile on what you do, don't wear your heart on your sleeve, go out with your friends, and be warm, smart, safe, selective, and don't forget that genuine smile!

In regards to going home to an empty home, no home is empty with a warm heart. Unless you make it that way. What is your home environment like? I suggest you try reading up on Feng Shui, it is good for the soul and the home environment.

The sound of a waterfall as you enter the door, the sound of a solar chime, soft music, peaceful colors, greenery, photos of friends and loved ones sharing good times, a mental picture in your mind of what you want, and finally, a friend coming over for dinner is a good beginning to a lovely close to an evening. A warm home gives one inner peace, harmony, thus it influences your thoughts and actions and cushions lonliness. This not an answer for a partner, only a cushion.

Check out events listed on the first page of
Chicagopride. com in April that may interest you. I've attended several of the Heart Foundation activities and have met some wonderful people there. One is Reality Cares Foundation, The Real Deal Chicago, and the Spring Brunch Fashion Show. You'll at who'll you meet at these events.

Let me know how everything works out for you.

Princess Darby

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