At a town hall on Wednesday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump praised televangelist Pat Robertson, calling him an "amazing person."
"I think we're really doing well,"
said Trump, who won Nevada on Tuesday. "Looks like we're in a great trend. And we have tremendous support. And we have amazing people in this country. And one of the most amazing people in the whole country is our great fiend Pat. Will you come out here Pat."
"Look at him. One of the great people," Trump said as Robertson walked on stage.
The two men shook hands and gently hugged as the audience at Roberton's Regent University cheered.
"Man, it's good to have you here with us. You inspire us all," said Robertson, a strong opponent of LGBT rights.
Pat Robertson: Gays "want to come out and stick it to Christians.")
Trump told the crowd that Ford Motor Company was building a factory in Mexico and that they would probably have "illegals" drive the cars across the border because "nobody checks them."