Pro wrestler Anthony Bowens, who came out bisexual in 2016, says he's gay

Thu. January 3, 2019

Chicago, IL - About two years after coming out bisexual, professional wrestler Anthony Bowens says he's gay.

The 28-year-old Bowens, who grew up in New Jersey and often wrestlers under the name "Vigilante," came out publicly in a 2016 video with his boyfriend, YouTube star Michael Pavano.

"In short, just about two years ago I came out as bisexual which was truely [sic] how I viewed myself at the time. However, over the last six months or so I've started to identify less and less with that label to the point where it doesn't feel like 'me' anymore," Bowens said on social media.

"As people move on in their lives, the way they view the world and themselves tends to change and I'm no different. Which is why if you are to label me, I prefer to identify as gay," he added.

In a video titled "COMING OUT ...again" with boyfriend Pavano, Bowens thanked people for their continued support.

"I'm in love with Michael. I want to marry Michael. I'm picturing myself being with a man for the rest of my life, so the term bisexual just felt less and less me the more time went on. And I now feel more comfortable labeling myself as gay," Bowens said in the video.

Bowens received mostly positive reaction to his announcement on social media.

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