Tue. November 20, 2018
Chicago, IL -
Whether you call it Black Wednesday, Blackout Wednesday or Drinksgiving, the night before Thanksgiving is unofficially considered one of the single biggest party nights of the year.
"We definitely see a lot of people out, it's like a Saturday night in Boystown," D.S. Tequila Company marketing manager Pete Augusta told ChicagoPride.com. "It's a great night, but when you compare it to the Pride Parade or Market days it's not quite as crazy."
The extended four-day weekend coupled with the influx of out-of-town friends and college students returning home makes the pre-holiday revelry especially popular with twenty-somethings.
"We see a lot of out of town people that either used to live in the the area for school or are visiting family. A lot of friends come together that haven't seen each other for a while," explained Augusta.
Scarlet Bar owner Paul Cannella agreed, "If traditions holds true, everyone coming back into town will be looking to party."
Many of the bars in Boystown are hosting special 'Black Wednesday' events to help you indulge your wildest self and get crazy on November 21.
"We have two exciting events planned for Wednesday and Thursday nights," said Cannella. "Frat Night on Thursday will be a huge reunion party."
Scarlet opens at 8 p.m. on Wednesday and 10 p.m. on Thursday for a Thanksgiving edition of Frat Night with music by DJ Brryce Fersher.
DJ Profess spins D.S. Tequila's Get Stuffed dance party on Wednesday from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Roscoe's Resident FergieDJ is bringing the Boom Boom Beat to the dance floor on Wednesday from 11 p.m to 2 a.m.
It's Black Wednesday edition of Honeys on Halsted with hostess Mimi Marks and special guest hostess Naysha Lopez at Hydrate Nightclub. Followed by DJ Laura B until 4 a.m.
And as part of their Thanksgayving Party on Wednesday, Sidetrack is donating all Coat Check Proceeds to Heartland Alliance to help those in need at this time of year. The night will include fun and games with host Dixie Lynn Cartwright.
"Thanksgiving Eve is a great night to go out with family and friends" said Brad Balof, Sidetrack general manager. "We expect a very busy night."
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