Thousands attend LGBT Pride parades in Poland, Romania

Mon. June 11, 2018

Thousands attended LGBT Pride parades this weekend in Warsaw, Poland and Bucharest, Romania.

According to the AP, a "party-like atmosphere" prevailed in Warsaw.

Michal Niepielski, who attended Saturday's parade, said: "The worse the political atmosphere, the better the atmosphere at the parade."

In Romania, attendees celebrated an European Union finding that all EU states must recognize the marriages of same-sex couples. Plaintiffs in the case were a Romanian man who married his American husband in Brussels in 2010.

(Related: EU court: Member states must recognize marriages of gay couples.)

Romania and Poland are among the six EU nations where gay and lesbian couples can neither marry nor enter a civil partnership. The other countries include Slovakia, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Latvia.

Poland is expected to host 12 Pride marches this year, including five in cities holding them for the first time.

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