Hynes woos gay voters with stop in Boystown

Mon. February 1, 2010

The Democratic candidates for governor disagree on marriage equality

Chicago, IL - On the final weekend before Tuesday's primary election the Democratic candidates for governor, Comptroller Dan Hynes and Governor Pat Quinn, were making a last-minute push for voters.

The tightness of the Democratic primary race for governor has reached a fevered pitch as both Hynes and Quinn spent the weekend courting voters.

Hynes spent Sunday night reaching out to gay and lesbian voters at Sidetrack in Chicago's Boystown neighborhood. Hynes supports marriage equality while Quinn has said he would only support civil unions and not gay marriage.

"For me, I just want to be candid on the issues I care about," Hynes said about his public support for marriage quality.

Quinn's communications director Elizabeth Austin told last week, the governor supports civil unions only because he believes it can pass. While Quinn has said that he believes it is possible to pass civil unions legislation within a year, he doesn't think it is likely that same-sex marriage legislation can pass anytime soon.

"The reason I support full marriage equality and I am ready to fight for it is we shouldn't base fundamental human rights on what's possible, but what's right," Hynes told

Earlier Sunday, both candidates spent the morning at predominantly African American churches, visiting a total of 15 churches across Chicago.

Most recent polls show Quinn and Hynes deadlocked. The primary is Feb. 2.

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