EQIL's LGBTQ Advocacy Day in Springfield, April 11

Mon. March 26, 2018

Chicago, IL - Pro-equality advocates from across Illinois will travel to the State Capitol on Wed., April 11, to urge legislators to take action on legislation and issues of importance to LGBTQ Illinoisans. 

Organized by Equality Illinois, the 2018 LGBT Advocacy Day will provide an opportunity for citizens to meet directly with legislators and legislative staff.

The daylong event in Springfield will include lobbying training, lunch, meetings with legislators and a visit to the Capitol. According to Equality Illinois, the event is an opportunity to remind state government of the presence and power of LGBTQ Illinoisans and our allies.

Registration includes transportation selection: bus from Chicago or driving on your own, including car pooling and ride sharing.

The bus will depart from Equality Illinois, 16 N. Wabash Ave., at 6 a.m., and from Affinity Community Services, 2850 S. Wabash Ave., to travel to the State Capitol, 401 S. 2nd St., Springfield. The bus will then depart Springfield at 5 p.m.

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