Sat. January 1, 2000
Does the love of your life ever travel without you, either on business or to visit their family? Do you ever wonder if they think of you and miss you when they are away? Here’s a way you can guarantee they will think of you and the only cost is the price of one or two blank cassette tapes.
If you want someone to think of you, I can think of no better way than to put your voice on tape. Most of us don’t feel comfortable just talking into a microphone without knowing what we are going to say. I suggest reading a book.
Books on tape have become increasingly popular the last few years as people who like to read can no longer find the time or they listen to tapes as a productive way to fill up their commuting time.
What you record depends on the tastes of your significant other. My wife would love it if I read Winnie the Pooh or Peter Rabbit on tape. Others may prefer Shakespeare, Kipling, Stephen Covey or Gary Smalley.
If you want to be really creative, you could write your own story to read or you could take an existing story and change the names and other details of the book to closely match your life. Just make certain the story has a happy ending.
Once you have recorded the tape, you must decide how you are going to give it to the person for whom you made it. You can mail it in advance to where they will be staying. You can place it in their suitcase or briefcase. If they will be driving, you can pop it in the tape player of the car so it will come on automatically when they start the car. If they will not be in a car, you will need to provide a tape player as well.
Regardless of what you record, it will be music to their ears.
For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links),
Tap here.
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