Tom Daley, Dustin Lance Black to marry this Weekend, UK paper reports

Sat. May 6, 2017

Several UK papers are reporting that Olympic diver Tom Daley and Hollywood screenwriter Dustin Lance Black are set to marry this weekend.

The couple, who started dating in 2013 soon after Daley came out bisexual in a YouTube video, announced their engagement last October.

On Thursday, Daley posted a picture of himself in a hospital bed.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," he captioned the photo. "#AthleteLife Back on the board soon."

According to the BBC, Daley had an operation on a minor hip injury and is expected to make a quick recovery.

In an interview last year, Daley said that he and Black planned to marry "maybe spring next year" and joked that the wedding's dress code would be "swimwear only."

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