Prejean: 'God Chose Me' to advocate against gay marriage

Sat. September 19, 2009

Speaking at the Value Voters Summit, Carrie Prejean told a conservative audience that she was chosen by God to oppose gay marriage, POLITICO reported.

The former Miss California spoke on the opening day of the three-day meet up of conservatives sponsored by Tony Perkin's Family Research Council (FRC), an ardent opponent of gay and lesbian rights.

Prejean, 22, told the audience that "God had a plan for me that day" when she denounced gay marriage because of her religious upbringing during the Miss USA contest in April. She later aligned herself with Maggie Gallagher's anti-gay marriage group the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).

Openly gay celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, a member of the judging panel, asked her thoughts on gay marriage. "I could not believe that they were asking that question at Miss USA," she said Friday.

The controversy spun out of control when Hilton posted a nasty video on his website.

After placing second in the contest, Prejean argued that she was denied the crown because she refused to back down from her religious beliefs, turning the beauty queen into a Christian celebrity overnight.

Reflecting on the controversy, Prejean said, "I'm so proud of the answer that I gave. God chose me for that moment."

"I was a woman who stood up for the truth and people don't want to admit that," she said. "I had the courage and the bravery that a lot of people don't have."

"I am not defeated, they have not defeated me. They can say whatever they want about me and my faith," she said. "I always wanted to leave a legacy of courage and boldness and to show that to young people."

Miss USA Executive Director Keith Lewis fired Prejean after the gay marriage controversy died down, he said it was because she missed several appearances. Prejean is fighting the dismissal; in a lawsuit filed two weeks ago, she accuses pageant officials of libel, slander and religious discrimination.

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