Gay Bar Beats Smoking Ban With New Cocktail

Mon. September 1, 2003

Fort Lauderdale, Florida - A popular Fort Lauderdale gay bar has found a way to help customers cope with the county's ban on smoking in public places: A nicotine laced martini.

Called the nicotini, it is the brainchild of Catholde Ray owner Larry Wald. Wald says he got tired of customers who craved a smoke leaving the club to go outside for a cigarette.

Wald won't disclose all of the ingredients in the cocktail, but he will disclose that the key is tobacco leaves soaked overnight in vodka overnight.

Smoking in clubs was banned in Fort Lauderdale as of July 1. Some clubs have set up patios for smokers but Wald says his new cocktail lets customers stay in the club with their non-smoking friends.

Food and drinks spiked with nicotine first appeared earlier this year in New York City after officials there banned smoking in bars and restaurants. Wald said he heard how those places were using tobacco and decided to try it but with a South Florida twist

He serves his nicotinis chilled and offers several varieties.

The regular nicotini has more bite than a martini and leaves a noticeable aftertaste in the throat. The menthol variety contains creme de menthe and has a cough drop taste, while the "Black Lung" includes Kahlua and has a coffee flavor.

But, some in the medical profession say the drink could be dangerous, because there is no way to know how much nicotine it contains. Wald dismisses the criticism.

"Some say that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Well, I say when life gives you a smoking ban, have a nicotini," Wald told the South Florida Business Journal. "It's something that's fun, but it's not going to be a big seller. When people want a cigarette, we can offer a shot."

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