Jim Verraros and boyfriend wed on Sunday

Mon. September 7, 2009

Chicago, IL - The wedding bells were ringing this weekend for American Idol season one contestant, Jim Verraros and his partner Bill Brennan.

The couple held a lavish wedding, with 174 guests, Sunday at the Oak Brook Hills Resort outside Chicago, Illinois.

The ceremony, held in an outdoor garden, included a unity sand pouring ceremony, self-written vows, and plenty of flowers. The event featured a vintage Hollywood theme reception.

"Every little choice reflected who we are. It was the most beautiful day," Verraros told People. "Since this is a gay wedding, we wanted both traditional touches as well as original ones."

Although same sex marriage isn't legal in Illinois, the couple "wanted the day to be a reflection of our love and commitment to each other as well as a statement to other gay couples in Illinois."

The fathers of Verraros and Brennan stood in as best men. spoke to Verraros today and learned the newlyweds are excited about an upcoming honeymoon in Tahiti.

Verraros, who was born and raised in Crystal Lake, Illinois, met Brennan four years ago after Brennan contacted him on his MySpace page.

The twosome has discussed children."Bill and I absolutely want to have children," Verraros told Radar Online. "We're definitely looking forward to raising a family. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon."

"We've even been asking a lot of our female friends if we can 'use' their uterus for nine months to carry a baby for us!"

In addition to Idol, Jim also appeared in 2004's "Eating Out" and its sequel in 2006. Verarros recently released two new singles, "Touch (Don't U Want 2)" and "Electric Love," on YouTube. He's currently working on his next album.

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