Fri. August 29, 2003
Kansas City, Missouri -
Kansas city council Thursday voted to give its municipal workers domestic partner benefits. The 11-1 vote establishes a domestic partner registry for city residents and allows for city employees to take family and medical leave for their domestic partners. The council postponed a vote until the spring on whether or not to allow unmarried city employees to cover their domestic partners on their health insurance plans.
"The Kansas City Council is to be commended for passing these important benefits. But we also encourage them to pass one of the most critical benefits of all for same-sex partners - and that is the ability to cover a partner's health insurance," said Seth Kilbourn, Human Rights Campaign's national field director.
"This benefit has already been granted in 163 cities and counties across the nation."
A coalition of local groups headed by the LGBT Community Center of Kansas City was instrumental in passing this week;s ordinance.
Jim McDonald, a member of the coalition said Thursday, "I'm thrilled. I think the Council did the right thing."
HRC and PROMO, the state-wide gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender organization, are doing a series of town halls across Missouri to discuss employment equality, focusing on federal and state legislation that would add "sexual orientation" to the list of protected categories in employment non-discrimination law. The state bill's definition of "sexual orientation" also includes coverage for transgender employees.
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