Davis Pledges To Sign DP Bill

Sun. August 17, 2003

Sacramento, California - California Governor Gray Davis, in the political fight of his life, said Saturday he would sign the Domestic Partners Rights and Responsibilities Act once it is passed by the state Senate.

The bill would give domestic partners most of the same legal rights that married couples have. In making the announcement Davis said the bill would help ensure ``fairness for all Californians.''

The legislation, by Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg (D-Los Angeles) passed the Assembly on a vote of 41-29 on June 4. It is now in the California Senate, where a hearing is scheduled for August 18th in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

“Enactment of this legislation marks a milestone in the struggle for equality for same-sex couples. By announcing his support for AB 205, and his intention to sign it into law upon passage by the California Legislature, the Governor has affirmed his strong support for family values by recognizing that all families deserve equal recognition," said Geoffrey Kors, Executive Director of Equality California.

The bill would allow domestic partners to file joint income tax returns and give them the same tax exemptions enjoyed by married couples. It would also give them the same rights as far as the acquisition, transfer and sharing of property, health insurance and pension coverage and collection of government benefits, including public assistance.

"This bill not only provides additional rights for domestic partners, it also imposes significant new obligations such as shared responsibility for debts and financial support for children,'' Davis said.

by Mark Worrall Newscenter

San Francisco Bureau

©® 2003

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