Thu. June 25, 2009
Chicago, IL -
Test Positive Aware Network (TPAN) was awarded $331,000 grant from the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services to enhance its existing mental health and substance abuse programs.
In March 2008, TPAN launched the POWER program (Positive Outcomes for Wellness, Education, and Recovery), designed to serve African-American men who have sex with men (MSM), are HIV-positive or at-risk, and struggling with addiction issues. With the program's success and additional funding, TPAN will extend POWER programming to all HIV-impacted populations with substance abuse problems (MSM, heterosexual men and women of all races and ethnicities).
In addition, under the program, TPAN will implement a cutting-edge intervention specifically for individuals whose treatment and recovery efforts are complicated by histories of childhood sexual abuse. "POWER is an example of the dedication that TPAN has for the community," said TPAN Executive Director Bruce Weiss. "With these additional funds, we're able to offer more services to more people with the POWER program and to enhance the services already provided at TPAN."
TPAN empowers people living with HIV through peer-led programming, support services, information dissemination, and advocacy. TPAN also provides services to the broader community to increase HIV knowledge and sensitivity, and to reduce the risk of infection. TPAN publishes the nationally distributed HIV Treatment publication Positively Aware Magazine and the Illinois HIV Services Directory.
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