Mon. February 22, 2016
Atlanta, GA -
A telecom company is threatening to relocate after Georgia lawmakers approved a bill that protects opponents of marriage equality.
The Georgia House last week unanimously approved House Bill 757, the Pastor Protection Act, which protects clergy from being forced to marry gay and lesbian couples. On its way to the Senate floor, a committee amended the bill to include Senate Bill 284, which would "prohibit discriminatory action against a person who believes, speaks or acts in accordance with a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman or that sexual relations are properly reserved to such marriage."
On Friday, the revised bill cleared the Senate 38-14 after three hours of debate that was, at times, heated.
The Republican-led House must agree with the changes before it heads to Governor Nathan Deal's desk for his signature.
The group Georgia Unites Against Discrimination said on its Facebook page that the bill would "allow tax-payer funded organizations to legally discriminate against LGBT Georgians."
Decatur-based telecom company 373K tweeted: "We are very saddened by the Georgia Senate which passed #HB757 also known as #FADA. It's time to relocate."
Kelvin Williams, the company's co-founder, told The New Civil Rights Movement that the bill does not embody "the message of Christ."
"It's sad our state government wants to take us back in time," he said. "If you're not a white married Christian heterosexual, prepare to be persecuted."
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