Kevin Lee on keeping fitness-focused New Year's Resolutions

Sun. January 3, 2016

Kevin Lee trains Chicagoans as health & fitness goals are top New Year's Resolutions

When the calendar says January, it might as well also boast "Health & Fitness Month."  After all, the New Year always is the kick off to a new, or renewed, push for that perfect, sexy, sculpted body.

The question is, how long will you stick with that fitness-focused New Year's Resolution?

"I live a very fitness-oriented life, so to see that fitness resolutions are the No. 1 resolution is really great.  I really am happy to see so many people proactively choose to change their lives," said Kevin Lee, 30, who lives in Edgewater.  He was raised in Charleston, S.C. and has lived in Chicago for the past 10 years.

Lee is a Fitness Specialist at Obsessed Fitness and Master Trainer at LA Fitness.  He has been a personal trainer since 2008 and still has the receipt from his first client.  Lee trains at Unit Gyms and LA Fitness Edgewater and enjoys doing beach workouts during the summer.

So who better than Lee to hit up for some health & fitness tips, starting with, well, where to start.

Have goals, Lee said.

More important, have goals that are achievable.  "You don't want to put too high of expectations on yourself," Lee said.  "Everything needs to be done properly and in moderation."

Lee said the worst thing the fitness-driven can do is, well, to lose that drive.  "To quit or get lazy ...don't make it a resolution; make it a lifestyle change," he said.

Any fitness plan, or, every fitness plan, must be accompanied by a strong and successful diet plan.  Diet, as in, proper nutrition, not a starving-yourself plan.  "You can ruin a perfectly good workout by not changing your eating habits.  It's not about changing your diet completely at once; it's about adding on the healthy food.  In the long run, your body will want the healthy food and less of the bad," Lee said.

Lee stressed that gym newbies should not be intimidated by barbells, dumbbells or the plethora of machines.  "We all have to start somewhere," he said.

"All healthy bodies are beautiful. Sticking with (a) fitness plan and good nutrition year-round will help you have that 'summer body' year-round."

Lee has trained celebrities and soccer-moms, and just about everything in between.  He can work with up to 19 people in a day.

So why go the personal trainer route?

Because they, like Lee, are professionals "who can help you greatly achieve your goals," Lee said.  "Also you don't want to injure yourself (and) trainers help with form along with the motivation and knowledge.

"I always give my all for my clients because they deserve it."

Lee's training has long delivered results.  Such as the current client he works with, who is bulking.  "I saw him walking toward me one day and I said to myself, 'Crap this stuff does work,'" Lee said.  "Even today it amazes me when I see my clients' transformations."

Lee suggests working out three days a week, at minimum.

And don't forget to work those legs.  "They burn the most calories, especially if you involve an upper body (element in the exercises).  For example, lunges with bicep curls."

Five tips for those with a fitness-related New Year's Resolution, thanks to Kevin Lee:

1.  Don't be discouraged; ask for help.

2.  Don't just do cardio; weights burn the most fat.

3. A healthy diet is a must.

4. Stay focused

5. Drink 3 liters of water a day; that will increase your metabolism by 33 percent.

Final Quote:  "Make it a lifestyle change.  It's your life, your health, your goals and your journey.  Only you can make it happen, so make it happen," Lee said.

Kevin Lee can be contacted regarding personal training at:  Or via Facebook at /KevinLee1985.

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