Fri. November 6, 2015
Chicago, IL -
The Equality Illinois Political Action Committee (EQIL PAC) will host a conversation on November 17 with renowned political strategist David Axelrod about the stakes and opportunities for Illinoisans in the 2016 election.
"We are excited to host David Axelrod and hear his thoughts about electoral strategy in 2016," said Nicole Bashor, Chair of the Equality Illinois PAC. "The ballot box is one of the most important tools to achieving equal rights. But, as we saw this week, the opponents of LGBT equality are more determined than ever to stop progress towards lived equality. We must be vigilant and vigorous in our work to secure and defend equal rights."
The reception with Axelrod will take place in the Riverside Room of 300 N. LaSalle St., Chicago on the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 17. Details and tickets are available at
Axelrod is former political reporter for the Chicago Tribune, has managed strategy for more than 150 political campaigns, was Senior Strategist for President Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns, and served as Senior Advisor to the President. He is now Director of the Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago.
More information about the Equality Illinois PAC is available at
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